sorry german culture
Berlin, Germany
• def gonna spend the next three weeks perfecting this shot • sorry german culture • somebody else gotta experience you • i’m taking a bath •

sorry german culture Read More »
I am on a nude beach up the coast
I said,
I am at a nude beach up the coast from Barcelona
Crying naked among strangers is…weird
But good
Two separate and very sweet young men have come up to help me with the sunscreen on my back
No lechery at all
Their penises dangling unobtrusively around my ear or so
Then gone back to their girlfriends on their beach blankets
It was so lovely, the neighborliness
Also being touched
Here is my tushie
[I sent her a picture]
— I think — the sun is fucking up my photographic discernment
So it could be someone else’s tushie
But I’m pretty sure it’s mine.
I am on a nude beach up the coast Read More »